
Charli Wheeler

  • Positive Power of Peer Influence

    Power of peer influence ever noticed how you start to act like the people you spend time with? It’s more than just picking up a friend’s favorite phrase or laughing at the same jokes. Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, said it best: โ€œThe fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people…

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  • 6 Essential Questions to Guide You on Your Dream Pursuit

    Have a dream in your heart? It’s time to unveil it and let it bask in the limelight it rightly deserves. To catalyze your journey towards that vision, pen down your ambitions and deliberate over these insightful questions.

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  • Are You Stuck? Consider Changing Your Focus For Personal Growth!

    Feeling trapped and stagnant in life can be a common struggle for many of us. Despite our tireless efforts to improve ourselves and our circumstances, it can sometimes feel like we’re sinking deeper into the metaphorical quicksand. However, If you’re reaching the peak of frustration and seeking a way out, here’s a transformative suggestion: consider…

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  • 7 Impactful Reasons Why Goal Setting is Essential for Success

    Dreams and ambitions pervade our thoughts, but how can we transform them into more than just figments of our imagination? The key lies in effective goal setting. Here are seven compelling reasons why setting goals is critical to personal and professional success.

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  • 3 Essential Life Management Tips

    Great news: From streamlining your life to participating in community activities, there are simple life management tips to keep you focused and assist you in reaching your goals. Moreover, here are three significant areas to consider, with detailed insights on how to implement meaningful change in each:

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  • 5 Effective Goal Setting Strategies

    Life often presents itself as an intricate obstacle course, particularly as we actively pursue our various objectives. These challenges, while an inherent part of any journey involving goal setting, possess the potential to transform from mere minor nuisances into towering barricades capable of jeopardizing our progress. In more dire scenarios, these obstacles might even goad…

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  • 4 Practical Steps for Overcoming Procrastination

    Ah, procrastination, the sworn enemy of productivity. We’ve all fallen prey to its grasp, consistently pushing that workout to a later time, indefinitely postponing that important project, or aimlessly dallying when it comes to kickstarting that long-awaited business venture. The facade of momentary comfort it offers can make even the most ambitious aspirations seem distant…

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  • Do You Think Motivational Thoughts?

    “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” – Albert Einstein.Motivational thoughts wield immense power. They propel us to action and push us toward greatness. Moreover, positive thinking and inspiring quotes shape our attitudes. However, genuine motivation springs from within, grounded in our distinct experiences and viewpoints. To fully unlock the potential of motivational thoughts, we…

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  • Doing What You Love

    Doing What You Love “Do what you love, and love what you do.” This timeless advice has echoed through the ages, resonating with dreamers, young and old alike. From our earliest days, we were asked the quintessential question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Innocently, we would envision grand aspirations of…

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  • 3 Proven Stress Management Tips Daily Tensions

    Hey there, you know what’s not enjoyable? Waking up only to find that all the problems from the previous day have tailed you into today. No, thank you! Stress tends to accumulate, day after day until we feel like we’re in a submarine, heavy, swamped, and a tad damp. However, it doesn’t have to be…

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