
Are Your Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals?

A post talking about goals

Everyone has conscious or subconscious ideas. They can become limiting beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals if we let them. Sometimes these beliefs are instilled in us in childhood. Sometimes we create them ourselves. An example of a limiting belief that can get in your way of success is how you see yourself with money.

If you believe you will always struggle and always be poor, chances are youโ€™ll set yourself up for failure. Your limiting belief that youโ€™re poor and that you always will be poor becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The same can be said about anything negative in your life that limits you. Whether itโ€™s career, education, or personal such as being healthy and of normal weight. If you see yourself a certain way, it can be hard to change that view and let go of that limiting belief.

There are eight telling phrases that point to a limiting belief:

โ€œItโ€™s hopelessโ€

Anytime you use the word โ€œneverโ€ is a clue that youโ€™re focusing on a limiting belief. For example: โ€œIโ€™ll never have any money because you need money to make money.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m helplessโ€

When most people feel uneducated or helpless, they blame their circumstances. Instead of working to change them. โ€œI canโ€™t manage my money because I donโ€™t know howโ€ sounds insightful. But the part thatโ€™s missing is the feeling of helplessness. All you need to do is take a personal finance course or buy, read and practice the lessons in โ€œPersonal Finances for Dummiesโ€.

โ€œItโ€™s uselessโ€

The idea that nothing you do will make a difference is that you believe that any action you take wonโ€™t make a difference. โ€œIt doesnโ€™t matter if I work out an hour a day, I wonโ€™t lose weight anyway.โ€ How do you know? Have you tried to do anything for longer than a couple weeks?

โ€œItโ€™s the universeโ€

Sometimes a limiting belief has to do with the idea that outside forces that you canโ€™t control are at work keeping you down. You canโ€™t find a job or get clients because the economy sucks. Where you live is depressed. You donโ€™t have the right clothing and so forth, but you do nothing in your power to change it because itโ€™s destiny. โ€œEverything happens for a reasonโ€ type of thinking can be very limiting and make you feel powerless.

โ€œIโ€™m worthless”

The idea that youโ€™re not smart enough or good enough to do what you really want can be a very strong limiting belief system. And seems to affect women more than men. You feel you’re not pretty enough, smart enough, or good enough to have something. So you donโ€™t take the steps to achieve it, because you donโ€™t feel that you deserve it.

โ€œItโ€™s geneticโ€

While there are certainly some instances where genetics play a huge role in a personโ€™s life. The truth is that almost everything that is genetic can be fixed with the right mindset, training, exercise, and outlook. Youโ€™re not stuck with your genetics. But if you think you are, you may not try any of the things to pull yourself out of the rut youโ€™re stuck in.

โ€œIโ€™ll failโ€

The truth is the fear of failure is something most people have as a limiting belief. โ€œIโ€™m a bad public speaker so if I do it, Iโ€™ll be judged. And Iโ€™ll fail anyway so why tryโ€ is a common refrain. But, how can you set that belief in stone if youโ€™ve not tried?

โ€œIโ€™m differentโ€

The limiting belief about being different is that different is necessarily bad. You donโ€™t want to be who you are because youโ€™re different and youโ€™ll be looked at as different by other people. Youโ€™re afraid to be who you are, and because of that you donโ€™t even know who you are, and youโ€™re too scared to find out due to fear of rejection and ending up alone.

If you ever hear any of these phrases go through your head, try to disconnect from them, and turn them around to โ€œwhy not meโ€ instead of โ€œwhy me.โ€ Always ask โ€œwhy not meโ€ because the truth is, youโ€™re not feeling anything different from anyone else who has made goals and achieved them. The difference is in the doing, not the intelligence or talent.

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